Thursday, 14 September 2017

Important Questions for Interview of judicial exam

Important Questions for Interview of judicial exam

1. What is the difference between 151CPC & 561 Cr.PC

2. Difference between Review & Revision?

3. Define & difference between Resjudicata & Res-subjudice?

4. Define Plaint? Remedies against return of plaint? and what else documents should be include in a plaint?

5. Can the plaint be amended at appellate stage?

6. What is remedy against ex-parte decree?
7. Difference between ex-parte decree & ex-parte order?
8. Difference between 12(2) & 9 (13).
9. Order23 Rule1,2
10. Define Precept & when it is issued?
11. What is difference between Percept and Transfer of Decree?
12. Can a possession be restored if it is taken on orders of the court?

13. Procedure after plaintiff’s death especially in defamation case?
14. Plaintiff not submitting the list of witnesses, remedy? what if he seeks permission same is dismissed what is remedy?
15. Who can file suit for possession and what is it’s limitation?
16. Suppose you are a civil judge and suit for partition is filed than what will you do?
17. How will you execute Decree in that?
18. What you can do for execution of Decree?

19. What is the procedure for stay of execution, Provision?
20. Can the judgement be executed before passing it?
21. Whether a decree is executable against legal heirs of the deceased Jd?
22. When Judgement Debtor is arrested?
23. Suppose if he does not have anything or any asset s then if he is arrested and remanded to jail, what would happen?
24. If JD paid DH in excess, what is the remedy?

25. What is Estopple? Difference between Waiver and estopple?
26. Suppose if a client comes to you with notice of Summary suit, what would you do?
27. After receiving the notice and copies of summary suit what will you do?
28. What is limitation of leave to defend?
29. Procedure when a witness does not attend the court?
30. Order 41 Rule 27
31. Order 9 rule 9
32. Order 23 rule 1 to 4
33. Set off and counter claim
34. Interpleader Suit

35. Powers of the appellate court?
36. What is the difference and effect of miss-joinder and none-joinder?
37. Application for the restoration of suit?
38. Grounds for Second Appeal?
39. When family suits are not disposed of within specified period of 06 months then what is the remedy?
40. Order 21Rule 79 and 89?
41. Difference between section 100 and 104.
42. What is remedy if witness is not attending the court?
43. Suite for recovery of money? When filed?
44. How and where the suit for the possession is filed?
45. What do you mean by concurrent and territorial Jurisdiction?
46. What is Order 14 and section 39?
47. What is Incidental proceeding?

48. Admission on judgment (order 12 Rule 6)
49. After framing issues further procedure?
50. What do you mean by Civil Arrest?
51. Abetment of suit?
52. Return and rejection of Plaint 
53. When Receiver is appointed?
54. Announcement of judgment?
55. Section 152 and 153?
56. Grounds of 104?
57. Order 6 rule 17?
58. Limitation of revision?
59. Grounds of revision?
60. What is Evasive denial?

61. Execution of Decree?
62. Order 22?
63. Order 32?
64. Order 41?
65. What is summary suit?
66. When judgment is announced at first hearing?
67. When decree is called complete decree?
68. When judgment is called complete judgment?
69. What do you mean by alternate dispute resolution?
70. What is remedy when witnesses are not appearing before the court after the service of summon?
71. When is purpose of issuance of commission?
72. What is supplemental proceeding?
73. How decree of Conjugal right is executed?
74. Powers of court executing decree?
75. What is order 2 rule 2?
76. What is Order 5 Rule 20?
77. What is the difference between F.I.R & Challan?
78. What is Remand (167) difference between Judicial Custody & Police Custody?
79. Define Charge & its Stages? Can a person charged with one offence be convicted of another offence if so?, when ?Alteration and modification charge?

80. Can a person be charged in multiple cases?
81. Can a person be charged if his name is not mentioned in charge sheet, Provision?
82. Under what provision final report is submitted by police?
83. Can a Judicial Magistrate acquit accused at any time during the pendency of Trial? What is remedy against 249-A order?
84. Difference between 249 & 249- A?
85. Whether order under section 249-A is final?
86. Under what provisions appeal against acquittal is filed?
87. What is the limitation period for appeal against acquittal
88. Is there any Difference in appeal against acquittal filed by prosecution and complainant in Procedure?

89. Define Bail, Grounds for Grant & Rejection?
90. What is Habeas Corpus, where is it filed? Difference between 491 &199?
91. Habeas Corpus is filed in District court or High Court?
92. What are the cases in which Habeas corpus can be filed against father?
93. Why not guardian and wards case be preferred to Habeas Corpus?
94. Difference between Habeas Corpus and guardian wards act?
95. Whether Justice of peace can take special oath from any party?
96. Once complaint dismissed /withdrawn ?can be filled again, Procedure?

97. Prosecutor dies after taking cognizance Procedure?
98. Investigation of murder case from one officer to another. Accused filled writ petition against the order. What to do now?
99. Accused convicted for 5 years in offence of 302 with fine, Filled appeal, seeking suspension of sentence and grant of Bail, can same sentence be dismissed or not?
100. Application filed under section 544 Cr.pc to call eye witness/army officer to trial court, he refused, Remedy?

101. Can statement of accused 342 be treated as confessional statement?
102. In Criminal case on who burden of proof lies, What are the exemptions of burden of proof in criminal cases?
103. Can a private person arrest anyone?
104. 161? Difference between 161and 164?

105. Criminal conspiracy and its punishment?
106. Abetment and its punishment?
107. Criminal remedy in dishonouring of cheque?
108. Procedure of illegal dispossession?
109. What are the remedies if SHO does not register the FIR?
110. What is the difference between Summon and warrant?
111. Difference between Cognizable and non cognizable offence?

112. Difference between 497 and 496?
113. What is 427 Cr.P.C?
114. What is 516-A
115. What is 408?
116. What is 410?
117. In what cased appeal does not lie? 
118. How criminal cases are transferred?
119. Announcement of criminal judgment 
120. How criminal cases are transferred?

121. What is rule of consistency?
122. Appeal against acquittal?
123. What do you mean by cognizance?
124. Magistrate can take direct cognizance?
125. Session court can take direct cognizance?
126. HC can take direct cognizance?
127. If summon fails what is remedy?
128. Grounds for pre arrest bail?
129. Grounds for statutory bail?
130. Judicial and extra judicial confession?

131. What is 190?
132. Differene between acquittal and discharge and acquittal?
133. Can session judge stop proceeding?
134. What is 517?
135. Magistrate can pass sentence does not exceed… years and fine…..
136. Can confessional statement be used against co accused?
137. When police can seize the property?
138. Difference between summon case and warrant case?
139. Can evidence be led in the absence of accused? Exception?

140. What are unlawful agreements? 
141. What is wagering contract?
142. What is doctrine of frustration?
143. What is arbitration clause in contract?
144. What is negative agreement?
145. Is negative agreement enforceable in law? 
146. Remedies against breach of contract?
147. What is contingent contract?
148. What is difference bailment and pledge?
149. What is hypothecation?
150. What is difference between hypothecation and lien?

151. What is agency?
152. Difference between guarantee and indemnity?
153. Difference between promissory note and bill of exchange?
154. How liability of surety can be discharged?
155. Limitation of khula suit ? No limition 
156. Jactition of marriage.
157. Procedure of dissolution of marriage by way of khulla?

158. Restitution of Conjugal rights?
159. When written statement is considered as plaint in family suit?
160. Order 22 (What is identification parade and how many dummies are required for Indentification parade?
161. Who can file a suit on public documents?
162. What is difference between judicial and extra judicial confession?
163. Estopel and its kinds?
164. Who can impeach the credit of witness?
165. Accomplice witness?
166. Retracted confession?
167. Hostile witness?

168. Plea of albi and resgestaee?
169. 17 Article
170. Primary and secondary evidence?
171. Article 43
172. Examination in chief, cross examination and reexamination.
173. Who can file a case on public documents?
174. What is provision under which eviction is granted & what is difference between section 14 and 15 SRPO?
175. Suppose if landlord files rent case and tenant denies him to be owner can the case be preceded?
176. Suppose landlord files rent case for personal need and tenant denies him to be owner, matter proceeds and landlord proves to be owner but fails to prove personal need, would eviction be allowed?
177. If landlord gives permission tenant to sublet and tenant sublets subsequently landlord files files ejectment application on the grounds of subletting,can he do so?
178. If tenant denies the title of landlord, consequences?

179. Forfeiture of tenancy?
180. Tenant pays tax and remedy for landlord
181. What do you mean by Bonafide need?
182. Reconstruction application and completed and then what remedy?
183. When Tentative Order is passed?
184. Eviction Appeal 21 
185. In what cases landlord is put to fine or punishment?
186. What is remedy against vexatious possession by landlord?
187. Injunction & its ingredients? is it necessary to file an application for injunction?
188. What are the remedies against the Injunctions for defendant if granted?
189. What do you mean by Balance of convenience?

190. What is preventive injunction?
191. What is Mandatory Injunction & it’s grounds?
192. Duties & Powers of Receiver?
193. Which contracts are specific enforceable and which are not enforceable?
194. What is difference between section 8 and 9 of specific relief act?
195. What is declaratory suit?
196. What is limitation of declaratory suit?

197. Suit for redemption and accounts?
198. Suit for mortgage?
199. Kinds of mortgage and limitation
200. Lispendis 
201. Hypothication and mortgage
202. Lease 
203. Forfeiture of tenancy?
204. What is criminal intimidation?
205. Can you give us an example of criminal intimidation?
206. What is the punishment of Criminal Intimidation?

207. What is the difference between Criminal Intimidation and Extortion?
208. Law takes no account of trifles. Please elaborate?
209. Can you give an example of trifle?
210. Can a child above 07 and below 12 years of age be tried to commit crime?
211. What do you mean by stages of crime?
212. Is there any criminal remedy when your cheque is dishonored?

213. Is it (Dishonoring of cheque) a cognizable or non cognizable offence?
214. What is double jeopardy?
215. What do you mean by concurrent and consecutive punishment?


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